Find the right fit.

The individual who has the greatest impact on student achievement in any school district is the Superintendent; for a charter school, its Lead Person.  So it’s crucial that you hire the right fit for your community, your staff, your families and students, and your Board.    Many educational leaders can do the job, but who should do the job for your District or charter school?     


It’s the Board’s biggest decision and seems like a daunting task.   But it doesn’t have to be.  A well-run Superintendent/ Lead Person Search is the most empowering and immersive experience a school board or Board of Trustees can undertake.  An expert guide through the process keeps the Board focused on big-picture thinking and practicalities, helps to identify the talent you’re looking for, and keeps all stakeholders informed and involved at the appropriate level without breaching confidentiality.


Kathleen Helewa has guided many Boards through the Search process successfully.  Kathleen enthusiastically does her research and facilitates all the steps in a comprehensive, thorough process and the Board makes all decisions.  When the successful candidate is announced to the public and approved by the Board, you’ll be confident that you’ve done all your homework and made the best decision for your students.   Contact us today to learn how to start the process.